Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Twitter Introduces User Directory

The world is going bananas over social media networks. This is the reason why Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter continuously updating their features to provide better user-experience. Recently, Twitter has launched a User Directory of names. With the launch of this feature, the micro-blogging site hopes that it will drive traffic to its domain and boost value to advertisers.
The latest Twitter update, User Directory is placed in the footer of its homepage. It has alphabetical collection of Twitter’s users from A to Z. It also collects information about the profiles with non-Latin character names. The link has been to Twitter default homepage (you can see it, when you are not logged in).

To launch this feature, Twitter’s mission is to grab users’ attention who are searching for particular people in search engines. When you start looking for someone in particular using Twitter User Directory, bots start crawling through the directory in order to display more Twitter profiles in search. It brings up results based on your preference.

With Twitter User Directory, you can browse public Twitter profiles. It also includes protected profiles. By clicking through the protected account it will not display Tweets of that person. Twitter keeps the protected users’ information private and protected.

With User Directory, Twitter goes a step ahead to find users profiles and making it easier for major search engines like Google, Bing and others. Twitter’s spokesperson had said that Twitter has launched this directory, to help people find they accounts they are searching for with various search engines.

Google and Bing both have already indexed Twitter pages. So it is a matter of concern for SEO experts that whether this new User Directory will facilitate search engines to find new and non-indexed profiles. Currently Twitter directory has up to five million pages with 500 million user accounts. It means there will be lots of information available in the User Directory and people can find it easily using Twitter.

Twitter is for the people who look for news, information, and conversations. With this new feature Twitter’s aim is to attract more search traffic through directory. Twitter is certainly looking forward to raise its business from advertising. More search engine traffic brings more page views. It simply brings opportunities for display advertising. The more page views mean more users will click on them. 

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